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Embracing Divine Love{Photostory}: GIRB’s Gospel Rock Takes You There



There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

There’s a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I’ve felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine’s embrace.

It’s a sensation everyone should encounter and explore, So don’t overlook this opportunity, seek for more. God’s instrument rock band GIRB, with their soul-stirring sound, Brings this heavenly love to life, unbound.


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Thrifask, a force of passion and faith, And LYGHTE V, a melody that resonates, Together, they ignite the spirit within, An experience you’ll cherish, again and again.

GIRB Presents:

I. #Stephanie..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

II. #CutWin..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Before we journey into the heart of THRIFASK, let’s take a moment to reflect on the resplendent path LYGHTE has traversed.

LYGHTE I initiated our musical saga, igniting the innermost embers of our souls. In LYGHTE II, we conquered the darkest fears within, for our music rendered us fearless.

III. #Nessa..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Iv. #YOV Drama..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

V. #Scriptural Tungba..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Vi. #Syntyche..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

THRIFASK: A Symphony of Thriving

And now, with LYGHTE V on the horizon, we set our sights on THRIFASK. Thriving isn’t a mere existence; it’s a flourishing, a radiant expression of life.

It’s experiencing a love that leaves you tantalizingly paralyzed, as expressed by our founder and lead singer: “There’s a kind of love that God only knows. I know this for certain cause I’ve experienced its flow.”

Vii. #Seun Meduoye..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Viii. #Stryt Prycha..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Ix. #EmpySam..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Welcome to LYGHTE V: THRIFASK – where faith finds its voice, and where love knows no limits.

Together, we shall thrive, flourish, and shine brighter than ever before. Join us on this harmonious odyssey, and let the rapture of His love overflow within you.

X. #J-Mike

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Xi. #Reynolds..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

Xii. #P-Banks..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.

LYGHTE IV, The End and The Beginning, underscored the cyclical nature of life and the promise of renewal through our shared love for music.

Xiii. #JoseRocks..

There's a unique love that only God comprehends, I can testify to this, for I've felt its boundless amends. It surges through your being with a celestial grace, Leaving you awestruck, lost in the Divine's embrace.


Are You?

Join the chorus of believers and seekers, As GIRB‘s music elevates your soul, making you stronger and meeker. Embrace the love that God only knows, With GIRB, let your heart and spirit freely compose.

Join us this sunday at LYGHTE the V…… Live, don’t miss It.

Link will be disclosed soon, so stay tooned…


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