In a devastating turn of events for Nigeria and the Igbo community, Emmanuel Iwuayanwu, the President of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, has passed away. The news of his...
“FG has exited Ways & Means,” a statement made by Wale Edun, the Minister of Finance, Budget, and National Planning, marks a significant shift in the...
In a stunning turn of events, Lionel Messi, the celebrated football icon, recently labeled Argentina’s dramatic loss to Morocco in their Olympic opener as “unbelievable.” This...
Fidelity Bank Plc has recorded an average annual profit growth of 64 per cent over the past three years, underlining its resilience as one of Nigeria’s...
Akmodel Group Managing Director, Builder (Dr.) Abdulhakeem Odegade and many other distinguished personalities at the maiden edition of Eko Mi Award 2024, were honoured with awards...
In recent times, Nigeria has faced severe food shortages exacerbated by economic instability, insecurity, and logistical challenges. As the government under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu grapples...
The recent directive from President Bola Ahmed Tinubu mandating a crude oil production target of 2.1 million barrels per day (bpd) has significant implications for Nigeria’s...
On [Wednesday, 2024], the House of Representatives achieved a significant milestone with the passage of the N6.2 trillion Appropriation Act Amendment Bill during its second reading....
The political landscape in the United States is characterized by sharp divisions and intense rivalries, and the 2024 presidential campaign is no exception. As President Joe...
A lot of mischief is going on in the banking sub-sector of Nigeria’s financial ecosystem since the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), on June 3, 2024,...